Toddlers II

Toddlers II
At this stage, children are eager to explore and discover the world around them. They are acquiring a sense of independence. The teacher’s main role is to support and facilitate their desire to do things on their own. At the same time, their environment has been designed to enhance their curiosity and self-awareness.
This is also the time in which they begin to express their thoughts and ideas. They become more interested in playing with others and may start initiating conversations with their classmates. Sharing, taking turns, listening, and respecting others becomes more relevant at this age. Their language skills are also expanded in the form of nursery rhymes, songs, and story time. Children are read to aloud on a daily basis.
In their hazard-free playground “two’s” can run, climb and jump while gaining gross motor skills. The playground becomes a setting filled with endless possibilities for exploration and discovery.
The children’s learning process is documented in their work, teacher's observations, photographs, and/or video recording.
Potty training
One of the objectives of this class is to help children in their process to experience success in using the bathroom on their own. Children must be physically and emotionally ready (he/she will show signs of readiness). Potty-training is different for each child, which means there is no specific age for starting potty-training. Teachers and parents will work together to establish when the proper time is to start this process. The communication between school and home will make this experience a natural and safe one for the child.