All Programs

Toddlers I
- Age 12 to 24 Months
At this stage, toddlers develop rapidly while taking advantage of their new and most valuable motor skill, walking! They love this new experience of moving around. Their child-proof environment allows them to walk fearlessly and freely having ple ...

Toddlers II
- Age 24 to 36 Months
At this stage, children are eager to explore and discover the world around them. They are acquiring a sense of independence. The teacher’s main role is to support and facilitate their desire to do things on their own. At the same time, their environm ...

Preschool 3-4
- Age 36 to 48 Months
Children in this age group enjoy spending time with children of their own age. They’re eager to get involved in group activities. Their social skills are developing rapidly and are very important during this time. A structured educational program is ...